"Services" GUI is messed up.

Open "Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services" and select the "Extended"-tab if not already open. The UI is messed up: there are superfluous scroll bars, and the actual list of services is too small. (It seems this list UI element is not sized and positioned correctly, but I'm guessing here). The "Standard"-tab is fine.

July 5th, 2013 6:31pm

For completeness: "Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services -> Services" and "Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Services and Application -> Services" both suffer from the same problem (but it is probably the same bug in the same UI element in all three cases).
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July 5th, 2013 6:52pm


I tried to recreate what you are seeing, but was unable to?

For clarity can you post a screenshot.


July 5th, 2013 7:07pm

I see the same.
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July 6th, 2013 3:40am

I cannot repo your issue either, please make a screenshot to verify the issue.

July 9th, 2013 4:32am

I have met with this issue on all 3 pc's I maintain. I cannot reproduce it, because it just crops after few months of usage. One day you'll open services and suddenly it will look like this until you reinstall or restore prior backup where it didn't look like that.

(I only created the account to post the screen as in the years I have been seeing this issue I have never seen any discussion on it and the page won't post me images or links. Talk about irony.)

I'm sure you'll be able to make this into working link though:

imgur {dot} com {slash} 49eEoo3

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July 9th, 2013 2:50pm

I cannot repo your issue either, please make a screenshot to verify the issue.

July 9th, 2013 3:17pm

It's an ordinary management console (MMC), it's ugly with three columns.  You can disable the rightmost "action" column:  Click on view (Ansicht), modify (Anpassen), and in the pop-up disable the action column.  Try to remember what you did, in other management consoles (notably the task scheduler) you'd want the action panel.  MMC uses the options for the last closed view. 
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July 9th, 2013 5:58pm

no, this ugly view has something to do with the new automatic scaling of 8.1. I turned it pf and set it back to small and the MMC doesn't support this.


July 10th, 2013 1:39am

click for full image

I was wondering how you got that, Andre.  I tried what you show (the "large" setting), but it didn't malfunction for me like that.  I thought maybe it had something to do with your language setting.  I'll have to try it again.  Maybe I missed something.

However, when I set DPI = 150%, this screenshot above is what happened for me.  See how blurry the Services window is?  (in the background).

I wonder why there is a difference at all, that Task Manager is rendered differently than MMC Services?

Hmm.  After committing that "larger" size with a reboot, I then put it back to the recommended smaller size.  But the font remained fuzzy, even in the Display options screen.  (as shown above).  Luckily, another reboot fixed that.

I guess this needs some work before RTM in a few weeks.

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July 10th, 2013 2:10am

I use 100% (small)
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July 10th, 2013 2:49pm

I have the same "fuzzy" effect on text in other applications; Google Chrome is one of them. I was going to file a separate bug on that, but if it's the same root cause, I won't bother.
July 12th, 2013 6:10pm

If you have used the "Change the size of all items" to increase the size of things displayed I have found that a few programs appear fuzzy or blurry. With Chrome I fixed this by going to the Chrome executable, and through properties enabled "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings." Since I can't do the same thing with the MMC windows I don't know how to correct it for this.
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July 12th, 2013 11:43pm

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